Tuesday 3 May 2011



I've never been to the theatre before and technically I still haven't, but I did recently get to watch Danny Boyle's interpretation of Frankenstein via a stream of the play at my friendly, neighbourhood VUE cinema. It cost, like, £16 but I guess that's besides the point. I went in with pretty high expectations since it was critically acclaimed and it managed to actually surpass my expectations. Johnny Lee Miller and Benedict play both Frankenstein and The Monster, alternating the roles with each night's performance. I saw it with Johnny Lee Miller as The Monster and I think this worked out well since he was pretty amazing. Benedict had a slightly harder time since his role was inherently less showy, but his performance was equally great, with both actors complimenting each other surprisingly well. The story broke from mainstream Hollywood tradition and actually gave a voice to The Monster, imbuing it with thought and sensitivity as it adapted towards its surroundings and began to understand the world and everything in it. I found it especially amazing since three days before I watched Danny Boyle's interpretation of Frankenstein, the BBC aired their production of Frankenstein's Wedding and it was complete and utter dogshit. Seriously, I'm not exaggerating, and it doesn't deserve any more articulate criticism. I'm angry I watched that thing in the first place. It can go fuck itself. 

Benedict portrayed the pain of monster rape much more convincingly.

The themes raised by the play are decades old now, so I don't feel the need to copy and paste a Wikipedia article which ponders if it is Man's place to play God before claiming that Mary Shelley loved Dr. Who and was born with both sets of genitals. I simply want to say how good this play is and that if you get even half a chance you should really do all you can to see it. If you don't get to see it on the big screen then see it on DVD, but be jealous of me for seeing it on a screen bigger than that dog that attacked you when you were seven years-old. 

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